These same inflated property prices coupled with other factors notably logistical bottlenecks put Indian manufacturers at a cost disadvantage in competing in global markets despite their lower wages. 同样虚高的房价加上其他因素(尤其是物流瓶颈),使得印度制造商在全球市场竞争时处于成本方面的劣势,尽管它们的薪资水平较低。
Numerous factors inflated the cost of imports in 2007, including rising commodities prices-notably for oil and iron ore. but the biggest driver of the new trend has been sustained investment in China and falling demand offshore, especially in the US. 多个因素推升了中国2007年的进口成本,其中包括大宗商品价格不断上涨尤其是石油和铁矿石。
In order to inflated corporate profits, capital losses and the current cost of long-term hanging on subjects dealing with accounts receivable, resulting in actual loss virtual surplus. 企业为了虚增利润,将资金损失和当期费用长期挂在应收账款科目内处理,造成虚盈实亏。